FAU’s Faculty of Sciences currently offers 12 Bachelor’s degree programs, 14 Master’s degree programs, two state examination degree programs and various teacher training programs. Below you will find information on the degree programs at the Faculty of Sciences.
Elite degree program
Elite degree program in the Elite Network of Bavaria:
Geosciences, if the two specializations Palaeobiology / Earth Systems Research Lab (MSc.) are chosen.
Modul studies Naturale - Natural Sciences and Sustainability
The Module studies “Modulstudien Naturale – Naturwissenschaften und Nachhaltigkeit” is not a degree course leading to a professional qualification. Rather, it is an orientation semester that concludes with a certificate.
The Bavarian State Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs publishes a teacher requirement forecast at regular intervals. This shows how many teachers are likely to be recruited or needed for which types of school in the coming years.