1st FAU International Science Slam on Dec. 11th, 2018

A guy with microphone shouting Let us Entertain you

Zombies, Aliens and Dinosaurs are not everyday topics in class at the Faculty of Sciences. However, it is time for FAU’s first International Science Slam! Six MSc students have prepared entertaining presentations that will show how those (fantasy) creatures relate to the subjects studied at the Faculty of Sciences.

Everybody is invited to listen to and cheer for the presentations. The audience will not only gain interesting insights in other disciplines and study fields; the organizers are also going to give away 10 drink coupons for the winter party of the student association Mathematics / Physics (FSI Mathe/Physik) that will take place at the Biologicum/Physikum at the same evening. So join us for the daily dose of science before heading on to the Physikum to dance the night away.

Before and during the Science Slam the student association Geosciences (FSI Geowissenschaften) will take care of your thirst and hunger and sell beer, soft drinks and snacks for a small price.

Time and location

When: 11th December, 6pm

Where: Lecture hall H2, Egerlandstr. 3

Further information

For a full list of participants please visit: https://www.nat.fau.de/internationales/international-science-slam/


Patrik Stör, Dipl.-Pol.

Referent für Forschung und Internationalisierung an der Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät

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