Institute of Geography

Who undertakes voluntary work aimed at encouraging the integration of migrants in rural areas? What contribution do the migrants themselves make towards a lively volunteering culture in rural areas? Which measures can be introduced to ensure a wide range of voluntary activities remain in place over ...

Although the two huge icefields in the Andes in South America cover approximately 16,000 square kilometers, an area roughly equivalent to the state of Thuringia in Germany, not much is known about the Patagonian icefields. A team led by Johannes Fürst from the Institute of Geography at FAU is trying...

The few glaciers in Africa have long since become an important indicator of how rapidly and severely climate change is changing our planet. The ice on the high summits of the continent is rapidly disappearing, Africa may lose its white peaks by the middle of our century. The Master’s student Anne Hi...

A flood wave advances on a mountain village. Water is becoming scarce in a nearby town. What sounds like a disaster movie is reality in the Tropical Andes. And all because the glaciers are shrinking. Dr. Thorsten Seehaus, FAU's Institute of Geography, is investigating how glaciers have developed ove...

An international team of glaciologists headed by ETH Zürich and the Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research (WSL) and including scientists from Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg (FAU) have provided a new estimate for the volume of ice in glaciers throughout th...

Can international cultural initiatives such as the EU programme ‘European Capitals of Culture’ create a counter-balance to the much-cited political crisis in the European Union, giving citizens a shared feeling of belonging to Europe? Or are they simply being used as nothing more than a marketing pl...

Serious kidney disease is a widespread problem in Sri Lanka. Researchers assume that the kidney damage is caused by toxicological factors, such as contaminated groundwater. If this water is drunk and comes into direct contact with the kidneys it can lead to significant damage to the organs. German a...